"I can't believe I did this to myself again, after all that hard work." Those words on Instagram, stopped me in my tracks. I could feel the writer's pain. The disappointment. The struggle. The heartbreak. Life has a way of feeling circular sometimes and the spinning makes us ill. What is one to do when they realize they have to cross over the same mountain again? When they stare so far up their neck hurts, yet still can't see the peak? It all seems so big. So monumental. So exhausting. What is one to do when the hope they once had disappears? When the feelings of accomplishment are replaced with self-doubt? When the excitement that once lived is stifled out by the pain that now is? What then? What now? Remember. In the gospel of Mark (chapter 8), the disciples were upset because they feared they didn't have enough food. Jesus heard the conversation: "...He said to them, 'Why are you discussing the fact you...