Always There


Five days ago, my son and I discovered a bird's nest in one of our trees. Nothing was in it. Today, we noticed a bird sitting in the nest. Thanks to my six-year-old, our day has been consumed with watching this bird. We go outside and check every few minutes to make sure the bird is still in its nest. It always is. Sometimes it sits there when we approach it and sometimes it flies away but stays close...always watching the nest. A little investigating confirmed what I thought all along, eggs are now in there. That bird is protecting its young. 

The last time my boy asked to go check on the bird, I told him he could go check and I would watch from the window. He has never been allowed to go outside on his own so he walked outside trepidatiously at first. Then he looked at me through the window, waved, and with great courage because mom was watching, he ran toward the nest. Much like the protective bird, I watched my little guy until he came safely inside. 

A year ago, almost to the day, I typed these words:

"I can't hear God. I can't feel God. I don't even know if He is really here or even cares. It's a desolate and lonely place."

I was in my 11th week of being in an eating disorder residential treatment center and I was not progressing at a very fast pace. I felt no hope.

I wish I knew then what I know now. That God is just like that protective bird. When He isn't covering me "with his feathers" (Psalm 91:4), His loving eye is upon me (Psalm 32:8). He was there all along. Protecting me in my most fragile state.

Dear one, whatever trial you are facing today, you can look up, smile, and bravely forge ahead. You have not been left alone. Our God is with you every step of the way. Always protecting. Always watching.

"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10


  1. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your heart! I am so glad that you are better and that you can rest in the refuge of His wings!!

  2. Oh love! Disordered eating is such a daily battle. Jesus is here and loves all of you, your heart and sprit. And just like you're not far from your son, He's not far from you. In one of my first devotionals God revealed to me that I was living as if I was forgotten, and I'm not, and neither are you! Peace on the journey!

  3. This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing this tender story.

  4. Beautiful words of grace. I think you and your son had a divine appointment with that mama bird. She's a memorial that reminds you that God is near to the brokenhearted, the hurting. God bless you, Karen


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