Monday Motivation

Want some Monday Motivation?

It's ok to just focus on today.
Do you need to repeat that with me?
It's  ok to just focus on today.
Seems like everything is about the hustle these days. Nothing wrong with working hard, but I can get so focused on end goals, I lose sight of where I am TODAY.
I've recently started praying that God will use me for His purpose today. Not the purpose I wish He had for me, but the purpose He actually has for me. It's been less than a week of daily praying that prayer and the result already is more peace. More peace until I start thinking ahead to what may be expected of me at a later date.
There's a reason we are to die DAILY, a reason His mercies are new every morning, and a reason God gave the Israelites just enough manna for one day.
God doesn't want us to store up strength or energy. He wants us to pour out all He has given us for THIS day.
Don't think I don't have dreams and haven't set goals to achieve them. I am all about checking boxes off to-do lists and always aiming higher in life. I have daily intentions set to get me where I think He wants me to be.
I'm just learning that where He has me now is a usable place too.
 It's not about next year, when the kids grow up and move out, or when I have more biblical knowledge. It's about learning to be ok with where He has me today.
So today, I will surrender to His will for me. I will love those around me big. Smile at all the people. Rejoice always...pray constantly...and give thanks in everything. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)


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