Our Refuge

But I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the end He will stand on the dust (earth). Even after my skin has been destroyed, yet I will see Him, and not as a stranger. My heart longs within me. - Job 19:25-27

Forgive us Lord, when we temporarily lose our way. The burdens of this world are too much for us to bear. Grief drowns joy. Fears suffocate peace. Hope hides and pain prevails. We look for comfort in worldly things, expecting something or someone to satisfy our longing to feel safe.

Lord, why do we forget that You alone are our refuge? Waiting with open arms, You call to us..."Draw near to Me." Our solace is found solely in Your security.

Why can't we remember that floundering in fear is futile when we can find shelter in Your arms?

You are not the author of confusion, yet we often allow confusion to pen part of our story.

You are not the one who steals, kills, and destroys, so why do we allow the enemy to make us wallow in worry instead of trusting in Your truths?

You are not a stranger. You hold us close and offer rest for our weary souls. You rescue us. Keep us. Restore us.

One day, we will see You face to face, but until that day, may we remember You reign supreme. May our hope reside in You amidst the chaos in our lives. May we be like the biblical examples who stood firm in faith while admitting, "We don't know what to do, but our eyes are on You."

We thank you for the strength You offer when we lay aside pride and admit to You that we are weak. You are so full of mercy and grace...may we grow evermore like You. 


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