Can I Carry You To Jesus?

It was one of my darkest moments in residential treatment. Hope seemed lost. I was certain I would die from my eating disorder. I thought my faith was gone. Then, I had a phone conversation with Lois. A beautiful, faith-filled woman of God who reminded me of the Bible story of the man lowered through the roof. He couldn't make it to Jesus on his own. He was too sick. Too burdened. Too weary. His friends had to physically assist. “They couldn’t bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, so they dug a hole through the roof above his head. Then they lowered the man on his mat, right down in front of Jesus” (Mark 2:4, CSB).

Lois told me all I needed to do was start reading my Bible and that she and the many others who were praying would be sure to get me to Jesus. I hung up the phone and did as she said: I read my Bible. The next day, I read it again. Then, the next day. Each day reading stuff that barely made sense to me at that time. Every day, while I was reading, people were praying. Interceding on my behalf. Pleading with God to heal me and make Himself known to me. And, something finally shifted. Something started to “click,” and I realized Jesus was there all along.  


In the moments when I cried out to Him and the moments when I questioned if I even knew Him, He was there through it all. And now as I live life no longer defined by a scale, tormenting thoughts and eating disorder behaviors, He is still here. For He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).  


And, friend, He is with you. With you as you live an imperfect life in this mess of a world. With you when you receive bad news, when life knocks you down, when trials threaten to get the best of you.


Maybe today, though, you need help. Maybe you need someone to come alongside you and pray. Someone who can carry you to Jesus. I want to be that person for you. I don’t even have to know the specific need; a simple direct message or comment asking for prayer will suffice.


This life is hard, and we need each other. And while I still struggle to feel His presence at times, this I know for certain: In it all — the past, present and future — there was, and is, and forever will be Jesus. “He is before all things, and by him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17).


  1. So beautiful how God brings just the right person across our path at just the write time to show His love to us. We often feel so alone, like we are the only one battling whatever we are facing. It helps so much to know "I'm not the only one".


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